541611 – Administrative Mgmt
541612 – Human Resources Consulting Services
541618 – Other Mgmt Consulting Services
561110 – Office Administrative Svcs
611430 – Professional & Mgmt Development Training
611710 – Educational Support Svcs
711510 – Speaker
Frustrated because your employees aren’t engaged and invested? Do you find managing young professionals aggravating? Are you spending too much time on HR issues and not enough time on growing your business? For organizations, we are the leading human capital consulting firm providing coaching, consulting and development for leveraging a multi-generational workforce. Unlike other Human Resources firms, we bridge the communication divide of a multi-generational workforce which increases employee performance, productivity and profits.
We work with leaders and their staff to:
Eliminate barriers in communication
Create cohesive teams and increase employee engagement
Resolve workplace conflict
Attract and retain the future leaders
Build the business acumen of professionals
Promote creativity and innovation in the workplace
A Modern Day Approach to Multigenerational Leadership
Our Services
HR 4 Your Small Biz provides superior human resources support and services to small and medium size business without paying a full-time salary and benefits. We have services to meet your specific organization’s need.
Our services can be delivered in a multitude of ways: Project Based, Ala Carte or Retainer
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For the last 10 years HR 4 Your Small Biz has used a proprietary process called Millennials Making Moves which help clients immediately improve their millennial employees’ performance and productivity by at least 35% within the first 45 days.
For executives, this is a confidential and safe environment to discuss the challenges of leading a multi-generational workforce.
HR 4 Your Small Biz offers an array of customizable, professional development workshops to address your organization’s specific needs. Workshops can be delivered in a webinar setting within 60-75 minutes.
Workplace mediation services helps employees and employers determine realistic and workable solutions without the stress of litigation, bad press and occurring substantial financial and emotional costs.