HR 4 Your Small Biz offers an array of customizable, professional development workshops to address your organization’s specific needs. Workshops can be delivered in a webinar setting within 60-75 minutes. Mix and Match any 3 Webinars for a Super SAVINGS. To learn more call 609-436-9363.
Here is a sampling of available workshops
Bridging Views Across Generations: Finding Common Ground Regardless of Politics, Culture and Race
Failure Is Not An Option: What NASA Taught Me About Leading a Virtual Team
IN-tentional Leadership: Inspire and Ignite Your Employees to Reach their Peak Performance
The Inclusive Leader: Eliminating Bias in the Workplace
In Living Color: 3 Ways to Acknowledge and Appreciate Racial and Cultural Differences in the Workplace
The Problem Solver: Conflict Resolution at Its Best
Code Blue: How to Resuscitate Your Multi-Generational Workforce
Corporate Legacy: Passing the Leadership Torch from One Generation to the Next
Sustainable Leadership: 3 Ways to Keep Yourself Sane and Your Team Strong in the Midst of A Crisis
Executive Communication Strategies
They Did What? How to Resolve Conflict in Virtual Teams
Closing the Gap: The Impact of Healthcare Disparities on People of Color
The Servant Leader: 3 Keys to Supporting Employees Thru A Crisis
Race & Culture in the Workplace
Superior Leadership Skills: What to Do When Leaning In and Pivoting is NOT Enough
Paradigm Shift: Leading Your Employees thru Racial and Economic Tensions
Money on the Table: A Discussion on the Financial Implications of Healthcare Disparities in the African American Community
Bend Don’t Break: How to Build A Strong Team in the Midst of a Crisis
Diversity in the 21st Century: How to Shift from Ally to Accomplice
The Hidden Profit: High Performing vs High Potential Employees
Recession Proof Leadership: 5 Steps to Leading a Team Through A Changing Economy
Rainy Day Employees: Meet the 3 Types of Employees Every Manager Needs During Challenging Times
Leading During Turbulent Times (helping leaders adjust to uncertainty such as stock market fluctuations, C suite departures, bad PR, etc.)
When Life Happens (helping executives cope with mergers, acquisitions, deaths and layoffs)
The Essential Ingredients of Leadership
The 4 D’s of Employee Engagement
Millennial Making Moves program: Tomorrow’s Leaders Prepared Today (8 week webinar series/online professional development curriculum for young professionals under 35)
5 MASTER Moves for Management to Take You Seriously
Resolving Workplace Conflict
Performance Standards and Goal Setting
Performance Feedback
Effectively Leading Millennials in Workplace
Why Won’t They Listen? How to Communicate with Millennials and Gen Z
Meet Your New Workforce - Gen Z
Time Management
Professionalism and Respect in the Workplace
Embracing Change
Customer Service
Creativity and Innovation
Projects, Priorities and Promises